Xiaomi’s new sub-brand POCO made its debut today with the launch of POCO F1 in India. The device comes in 3 colours – Steel Blue, Graphite Black and Roso Red. It will be available in three storage options – 64GB+6GB, 128GB+6GB and 256GB+8GB RAM. The top variant also comes with a special Armoured Edition with Kevlar back. The most surprising (and shocking for competitors) part of the launch event was the price reveal. The base variant with 64GB storage and 6GB RAM priced at just Rs.20999 making it the cheapest device available with Snapdragon 845.
POCO F1 Specifications
- 6.18-inch (18.7:9) FHD+ Display
- 8GB+256GB / 6GB+128GB / 6GB+64GB
- Snapdragon 845
- Adreno 630 GPU
- LiquidCool Technology
- 12MP + 5MP Primary Camera
- 20MP Front Camera
- 4000 mAh Battery with QC 3.0
- Fingerprint Scanner
- IR Face Unlock
- Dual Sim (Hybrid)
- Android 8.1 based on MIUI for POCO
POCO F1 will be manufactured in India, and I guess this gives POCO an advantage so that it can offer the F1 at such a low price. Take a look at other Flagship smartphones with SD845 available in India, OnePlus 6 starts at Rs.34999, (64GB+6GB), and Asus Zenfone 5z (64GB+6GB) price starts at Rs.29999. POCO F1 256GB + 8GB RAM variant is priced at Rs.28999 which is still Rs.1000 cheaper than the base variant of Zenfone 5z.
POCO F1 will be available on Mi.com as well as on Flipkart, and the first sale will be on 29th August at 12 PM.